Samantha Ricard Counseling Tools

For those who want to learn about communication, self care, and relationships

Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist
Located in Highland Meadows Parkway | Windsor, Colorado

Samantha Ricard Samantha Ricard

Why “I Just Need to Accept It” Doesn’t Work (And What to Focus on Instead)

If I had to bet on it, I’d say “I just need to accept it” is probably one of the phrases therapists hear most in therapy. I’d also bet that it’s one that therapists say almost as often as they hear it. It’s a message that is so pervasive we have accepted it (see what I did there?) as absolutely truth. And on the surface, it seems so easy! Although, if it were that easy, wouldn’t you have done it already?

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Samantha Ricard Samantha Ricard

Five Tips on Communicating With Your Partner

If discussions always turn into fights and "resolving" them is simply pushing them under the rug, these five tips can help you have conversations with your partner that help you both to actually feel heard and reach an understanding with each other.

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